Don't wait until it is too late!

Minnesota law allows all residents 18 years or older to contribute to qualified political organizations and once a year apply for and receive a full refund for up to $75.00 per individual or $150.00 per couple through the state’s Political Contribution Refund (PCR) program.  To apply the PCR toward your contribution(s) to the Senate District 45 Republicans, follow these simple steps:


Contribute at least $75.00:

(A) Online at our website: Get Your MN Political Contribution Refund ( 


(B) Mail a personal check payable to the order of "45th Senate District RPM" (our official name) to:

Senate District 45 Republicans
PO Box 127
Wayzata, MN 55391
Attention: PCR Program Administrator

(Note: Minnesota law prohibits political committees like the SD45 Republicans from accepting contributions from businesses.)


After our Treasurer or their designee receives your contribution, which must be received as soon as possible, we will promptly mail you an official EP-3 receipt and a MN Department of Revenue refund form.


Complete the refund form (it takes about 2 minutes) and mail it in, along with your EP-3 receipt, to the Minnesota Department of Revenue.  The address to mail it is on the form.  


The State of Minnesota will mail you a check or initiate a direct deposit fully refunding your qualifying contribution (up to $75/person, $150/couple) in approximately 4-6 weeks.

Further information regarding the program can be found at State of Minnesota Department of Revenue Site: CLICK HERE

Check Candidate PCR Eligibility

Would you prefer to apply your PCR Refund to a specific candidate for office? Check out this page on the Minnesota Campaign Finance Board website to see if a candidate has signed a public subsidy agreement to become eligible to issue PCR receipts.

Recent Tax Law Change

Chapter 64, Article 1, Section 31 of the 2023 Minnesota Session Laws was signed by the Governor on May 24, 2023 and modifies Minn. Stat. Section 290.06, subd. 23, to increase the maximum PCR refund to $75 for an individual and to $150 for a married couple filing jointly.  These changes apply to refunds for contributions made on or after January 1, 2024.

Other Important Information

The foregoing information was collected from third-party sources, including the Minnesota Campaign Finance Board, Minnesota Department of Revenue, and Minnesota Legislature's Office of the Revisor of Statutes, for convenience of reference only and does not constitute legal, tax, accounting, investment or other professional advice.

Contributions to political committees, such as ours, generally are not deductible for state or federal taxes. You are responsible for consulting your own tax advisor(s) as to the tax consequences of a contribution to the Senate District 45 Republicans, including eligibility for any PCR refund.