Whether this will be your first BPOU convention or it's just been a while, we're looking forward to seeing you on April 6th!
If you're new to service as a Delegate or Alternate here's how you can prepare:
- Review the Convention Call - This will contain important information about the convention and deadlines for actions you may want to take in advance.
- Review the Call for Nominations - Learn about the open positions and the requirements for qualifying for the same.
- Pre-Pay - Pay your registration fee in advance to save money and help us plan accordingly.
- Decide whether you plan to run for Delegate/Alternate for higher-level conventions. Submit your indication of interest to the Search/Nominations committee asap.
- Review the Proposed Agenda - Understand what will be happening.
- Review the Nominees - Understand who is seeking what endorsement or office and review their information in advance of being asked to vote at the convention.
- Review the Proposed Meeting Rules - Understand how the convention is proposed to function and know when and how to raise potential issues.
- Review the Proposed Resolutions - Come to the convention aware of the proposed resolutions and ready to vote for/against the slate or individual resolutions.
Feel free to email [email protected] or use our Contact Form with any questions you might have. Good luck!
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