How Democrats Have Ruined This State Lately...

Tim Walz has passed:

  1. Tax hikes across the board - despite a massive budget surplus!
  2. Making MN A "Transgender Sanctuary State" - making it so minors from others states can come to Minnesota for Transgender surgeries without the approval of their parents, denying parental rights over their children to undergo experimental surgeries and hormone injections.
  3. No limits on abortions - 7 babies born alive during botched abortions have died with no medical intervention, LEGALLY, since this was signed into law by Governor Walz. Kelly Morrison (candidate for US Congress in our district) voted for this bill. 5 of these babies were denied "comfort care" - so they died in pain.
  4. Drivers licenses for all - even illegal immigrants!


Amy Klobuchar has passed:

  1. Voted with Biden/Walz 98.5% of the time - an agenda 61% of Americans feel has our country headed in the wrong direction.
  2. Voted to keep mask mandates in place years after COVID had been mitigated.
  3. Voted to increase the debt limit - making our country plunge further into debt with an even higher deficit that our kids and grandkids will have to have to pay for.
  4. Hundreds of millions in funding for foreign wars. 


Should Democrats win majorities in the House and Senate in MN in 2024, they plan to pass:

  1. Hike sales tax up to California levels
  2. Pursue expensive "climate policies" which could lead to power blackouts in the coming years