Precinct Caucuses only happen every two years and the rules can be confusing. We'll do our best to post and reply to common questions here.

  • The 2024 precinct caucuses are scheduled to be held on Tuesday, February 27, 2024, at 7:00 p.m. Each party is responsible for establishing the location for its caucuses and  all Precincts in Senate District 45 will convene their 2024 Republican caucus at the Minnetonka High School, located at 18301 MN-7, Minnetonka, MN 55345.

  • Precinct caucuses are meetings run by Minnesota’s political parties. They are the first in a series of meetings where parties may endorse candidates, select delegates, and set goals and values (called party platforms).

  • To participate, you must be eligible to vote in the next general election and live in the precinct. You also must generally agree with the principles of the political party hosting the caucus. 

  • You can identify your precinct and other political districts by providing certain information about your home address in the Minnesota Secretary of State's Voter Information Portal.

  • Senate District 45 has gone to great lengths to ensure that its 2024 Republican Precinct Caucuses are as easy to attend and as empowering as they can be. 

    Many people will dedicate many hours planning and preparing materials and training others for the Precinct Caucuses well in advance of February 27, 2023.

    We are working hard to minimize the expenses incurred to conduct the Precinct Caucuses, and we'd like to thank the Minnetonka School District for providing the High School Facilities to us at the lowest possible cost available for public use!

  • Knowing that getting to know one's like-minded neighbors is by far the most commonly touted benefit of attending Precinct Caucuses, the Senate District 45 Republicans have opted to host all of its Precinct Caucuses in the same building to gain efficiency, but more importantly: (1) remind us all that we are far from alone and (2) maximize the opportunities for candidates to interact with you and for you to ask questions of candidates!

  • Although they have been a staple of past caucuses held in presidential election years, the Republican Party of the State of Minnesota has opted not to conduct a statewide Presidential Preference Poll at the 2024 caucuses.  Our BPOU is currently working with others to conduct some form of Presidential Preference Polling at our caucuses. Please stay tuned for further details.

  • There are four main activities that occur at Precinct Caucuses in Minnesota:

    1. Elect Precinct Officers;
    2. Elect Delegates and Alternates for attending Senate District 45 (BPOU) Conventions;
    3. Consider and Approve Party Platform Resolutions; and
    4. Meet your Like-Minded Neighbors!
  • Precinct Officers, nominally consisting of a Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary, and Treasurer are responsible for organizing political activities in the precinct. 

    Common tasks include maintaining contact lists, holding meetings, organizing events, and assisting with campaign efforts. 

    The minimum responsibilities of Precinct Officers are relatively low, but there's a lot to be gained by going above and beyond those basic duties!

  • Resolutions are official proposals to change the platform of the Republican Party of Minnesota.

    1. At your 2024 Precinct Caucus: resolutions are considered and, if approved by a majority vote, are forwarded on to the next level.
      • The SD45 Republicans' Resolutions Committee reviews all resolutions approved at Precinct Caucuses.
    2. At our 2024 SD45 Republicans Convention, the resolutions produced by the resolutions committee are considered by delegates and seated alternates and, if approved by a majority vote, are forwarded on to the next level.
      • The Third Congressional District Republicans' Resolutions Committee reviews all resolutions approved at the SD45 and other basic political organizing unit (BPOU) conventions.
    3. At the 2024 Third Congressional District Republicans (CD3) Convention, the resolutions produced by its resolutions committee are considered by delegates and seated alternates and, if approved by a majority vote, are forwarded on to the next level.
      • The State Party Resolutions Committee reviews all resolutions approved at the CD3 and other congressional district conventions.   
    4. At the 2024 State Convention, the resolutions produced by the state party resolutions committee are considered by delegates and seated alternates and, if approved by a majority vote, are incorporated into the Standing Platform of the Republican Party of Minnesota.

    Please use the Resolution Form (PDF) to submit resolutions to your Precinct Caucus.

  • Before you contribute funds to the Senate District Republicans in any form, please make sure:

    • You are at least eighteen years old;
    • You are a US citizen or lawfully admitted permanent resident;
    • You are not a federal contractor; and
    • The contribution is made soley from your own funds, and not with funds provided to you by another person/entity for the purpose of making this contribution.

    Additionally, if you are paying electronically, please make sure:

    • The contribution is made solely with a personal payment card in your name and not with a corporate/business card or a card issued to another person.

    We can ONLY accept personal contributions and generally cannot accept contributions from any business or similar entity.

    Contributions to the Senate District 45 Republicans are not eligible for tax write-off or otherwise deductible. However, you may be interested in Minnesota's Political Contribution Refund program if you have not already applied for your $75.00 ($150.00 for a married couple) refund for 2024.

    For an abundance of information regarding applicable rules, please visit the Minnesota Campaign Finance Board Website.